วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Pairs 20

Though little he recites the Sacred Texts,
But puts the precepts into practice,
Forsaking lust, hatred and delusion,
With right knowledge, with mind well freed,
Cling to nothing here or hereafter,
He has a share in religious life.

The Pairs 19

Though much he recites the Sacred Texts,
But acts not accordingly, the heedless man
Is like the cowherd who counts others' kine;
He has no share in religious life.

The Pairs 18

Here he is happy, hereafter he is happy,
In both worlds the well-doer is happy;
Thinking; 'Good have I done', thus he is happy.
Furthermore he is happy,
When gone to the state of bliss.

The Pairs 17

Here he laments, hereafter he laments,
In both worlds the evil-doer laments;
Thinking; 'Evil have I done', thus he laments.
Furthermore he laments,
When gone to a state of woe.

The Pairs 16

Here he rejoices, hereafter he rejoices,
In both worlds the well-doer rejoices;
He rejoices, exceedingly rejoices,
Seeing his own pure deeds.

The Pairs 15

Here he grieves, hereafter he grieves,
In both worlds the evil-doer grieves;
He mourns, he is afflicted,
Beholding his own impure deeds.

The Pairs 14

Even as rain gets not into an well-thatched house,
Even so lust penetrates not an well-developed mind.